Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How to market a Humor-driven Fantasy Novel?

Having just published my debut novel. A humor-driven fantasy tome entitled: 'The Occasionally Disgusting Adventures of Brian and Sprig", I am buzying myself searching for
ways in which to market it. Who could/should I sent it to. The Fantasy market seems a little
over-laden with serious multi-volumned storylines, aside from Douglas Adams, Terry Prachet, Christopher Moore and A. Lee Martinez. Now the humor in my novel is a little fruity on occasion. Certainly not the sort of thing I would want my teenage son/daughter reading.
To get an idea of it's content you can click on the following link to 'Amazon':
So...regardless of how good, bad or indifferent it is, I am currently racking my befuddled brain to come up with ways of getting 'TODAOBAS' out there. So far I have given copies to friends and relatives in the hope that they might review it and leave positive feedback on 'Amazon'. I have also tried sending a few to certain celebrities via their Agents/Marketing people. As unlikely this may be of generating a response, If you don't try then you'll never know.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Just a note. As a self-published novel on Amazon's 'Createspace' page I had to set the book at a certain price. It may be a price that people aren't prepared to pay, but as it is it give's me only $1.00 profit. If I had set it any lower I would end up owing Amazon/Createspace money with each/any sale of the book.

Thankyou for any help/advice you can give.
